a media experience

Thanks for visiting sobecreation.com. Bask in the world of Kansas City-based digital architect Randy Greene.


Being Friends

Friends love you for who you are, but push you to be better.

Your true friends will love you and accept you as you are, but they will never let you be satisfied with your current place in life. They know that, as great as you are, there is always room for improvement. Sometimes that means pressing you to improve your social life, your grades, your interpersonal communication, your ambitions, your temper, etc. (I would go on, but these are starting to hit too close to home for me….)

I know that, personally, I always need someone to pressure me to better myself. If my life were entirely up to me, I would probably still be working at Starbucks and eating $1 frozen pizzas for dinner when I ran out of mac and cheese.

I’m thankful that I have friends that have pushed me. I may not have liked it at the time (in fact, I may have lashed out), but in retrospect, my life is better because of those friends.

So next time someone close to you tells you something that you don’t want to hear, listen to them. They just might be showing you how much they love you.

A Day Passes

Quiet of the day’s break
Burning in my ears
Replacing my final heartbreak
With the silence of fear.

And though my heart still beats away,
Clinging to those I hold dear,
My last wish that you would stay
Is all that I’m able to hear.

The sun ever to twilight fades,
Night once again grows near
And with the morning will I wake
Hoping to find you here.

A Calm Heart

Father, calm my wandering heart
Draw it ever closer to Thee
When my soul and mind drift apart
Stir the winds and calm my sea.

There is a rolling tide
That can carry me to neverland
But each beating of my heart
Is another wasted grain of sand.

My soul still cries within my broken body
If you’re still there, show me you can hear me.

Seeing Me

When I’m standing there in front of you, is it me that you see?
When your eyes fill with smiles, are you seeing past me?
When you touch my arm, embrace my heart, you’re showing your lies.
I can’t
To your eyes anymore.

Let me go from the hold that I’ve been holding onto.
I can’t suffer alone, this time my heart’s involved too
And I can’t believe you’ve done this to me
My heart thinks I’m flying, but I need to be free.
Stop looking at me.

Now tonight has come, in silence I say, I’ll embrace the dawn of day.
You’re still out there, I know, but I’m through with your show.
You may think that I am faking goodbye, I’m ignoring your eyes.
I can’t
To your lies anymore.

Let me go from the hold that I’ve been holding onto.
I can’t suffer alone, this time my heart’s involved too
And I can’t believe you’ve done this to me
My heart thinks I’m flying, but I need to be free.
Stop staring at me.
If you wanted me, you should have loved me.
If you loved me, you would have kept me.

A Beautiful Inspiration

Lo, I need the beautiful inspiration of the long and tortured night
To fill my heart, to fill my mind with visions of wonder and delight.
The sultry velvet of a dusk half-drawn
To draw me into its light ‘fore it fades to dawn.

Shall my heart leap within me at the mention of your name,
When my heart is left cold and alone and knows naught but pain?
But shall, perchance, my heart again to feel decide,
Then will I run and leap to one’s arms and abide.
Time regardless and happiness none to care,
I will be happy, regardless, when I am there.

For one, I need another, with one I will lengthen and die,
But lo, I need the beautiful inspiration of the long and tortured night.

–May 2011

Fresh Air

So, as some of you may know, I am no longer employed by the largest coffee company in the world. I recently resigned my position in order to be able to focus my efforts at my new job.

I am working at a branding and marketing agency that is unlike anything that the world has ever seen before. We focus completely on telling a story. The way we see it at ikros, there is no reason to invest in huge marketing campaigns that will reach millions of people–you can hone in on the people that will actually do business with your company and save yourself millions of dollars! It’s kind of like targeted marketing, but with a huge twist.

You don’t need to rely on market analyses and focus groups. All you need to do is tell your story. People will be drawn in when they know where your company comes from and why it’s there, and they will not be able to turn down what you have to offer!

Check us out:


Most Pointless Blog of All Time?

I have a personal dilemma on my hands. As you may know from my past blogs, I am graduating soon. I’m graduating tomorrow, actually. You probably also realize that Christmas is quickly approaching—it’s only eight days away! Now for something you probably don’t realize. My birthday falls smack dab in the middle of graduation and Christmas (my birthday is on December 22).

In one sense, this may just be the greatest week of my life and I could try to take credit for a great job of planning. I will most likely receive more gifts and more money than I have in any other week of my life (besides the week of my wedding, obviously). On the other hand, I will now have nothing to celebrate (and get presents from) for an entire year. Well, that’s a lie—my wedding anniversary is in July, but that’s really just a celebration for my wife and I, so it only sort-of counts as a holiday.

Anyways, I have yet to decide whether or not I like this arrangement that this next week is providing for me. If I had waited to graduate in May, then I would’ve spread out the love and my friends and family would’ve had less trouble trying to buy three gifts for me within a week. Of course, then I also wouldn’t have had the abundance of joy that I am sure to experience this week.

Ah, the ironies of life. Gotta love it.

And now this is probably the most pointless blog you’ve ever read. With the possible exception of all those blogs where the soon-to-be mother is bragging about the 14-month-old in her womb that she finally felt moving around and it’s oh-so-exciting.

Except for that.

Movie Theater Rant #462,097

I went to see Brothers last night. It was a great movie starring Natalie Portman, Tobey Maguire, and Jake Gyllenhaal. If you’ve seen previews for it, you know that it deals with an American family man that becomes a prisoner of war in Afghanistan for months before he is rescued and brought back to his family in the United States. Not exactly a light-hearted, feel-good romp through history, to say the least.

Unfortunately, the man sitting behind me and to my left did not seem to realize the somber nature of the film. Now, I realize that the blog that spends an hour ranting about how the people in the theater couldn’t stop talking has been done before, but I’ve never had the pleasure of doing one, so roll with me here for a little bit.

For whatever reason, the man behind me felt the need to give a running commentary through the entire film. My first thought (when he started talking) was that maybe he was describing the film for a blind friend or something, but then I realized that the phrase “Man, that’s f***ed up!” probably wouldn’t help a blind friend understand the plot any better. And that seemed to be nearly the extent of the guy’s vocabulary, judging by the fact that he just kept saying it over and over again. So between that and the fact that the two people that he came with kept shushing him, I figured out that he was just being obnoxious.

Finally, when the film had reached a critical climax full of tension and silence—and the guy behind me still wouldn’t stop talking—an elderly woman several rows in front of me turned around and shouted at him “Do you MIND!?” The entire audience broke into a rousing round of “Thank you!” and “You tell him!” The guy, of course, took this as encouragement to continue being a jerk. He even seemed to step up the pace a bit.

I waited probably ten more minutes to see if he would stop talking, but then I got fed up with it. I’d had it, and I was pissed. I started to stand up and turn around to confront him, but then the movie cut to a scene of a white, snowy landscape and lit up the theater. Suddenly, I saw what I was about to get myself into. The man easily weighed 300 pounds and looked pretty tough. I also quickly remembered that I had chosen to go to the cheap theater in Merriam, Kansas, so it wasn’t exactly in the best neighborhood. In that second, as I was standing up and fully seeing the guy for the first time, about a million images flooded my mind—the majority of them revolving around the idea of my face being beaten to a bloody, pulpy mess.

As quickly as I had stood up, I sat back down, doing my best to play the movement off as simply adjusting my seating position. I glanced back at the man to see if he’d noticed my almost-confrontational move, and I saw him looking my way. He glared at me for a second, raised his chin at me, and turned back to watch the screen. A couple seconds later, of course, he continued his commentary.

Despite how livid I was at his chattering, I was even more scared of being shot. So here’s the moral of the story:

Cinemas should have more ushers patrolling the theaters. That way, if there’s an altercation, the usher will get attacked on the clock and receive workman’s compensation for his injuries.

If I tried to solve the problem, I’d just get beat down.

I Have Learned Something–I Promise.

I’m getting ready to graduate in a couple of weeks with a B.A. in Communication Studies, which really means nothing to any of you and, honestly, doesn’t mean a whole lot more than that to me. Basically, it’s a degree that means that I can work in radio, television, business, journalism, advertising, marketing, human resources, public relations, photography, video production, or a whole host of other unrelated fields. Fortunately, though, my minor in Psychology saves me a little bit. Now I also have the option of going to grad school.

Believe it or not, the purpose of this post is not to impress you with the number of choices available to me in a month or so; rather, the purpose of this post is to impress you with what I have learned in my years of scholarship, and I even know how to format it most effectively to make sure that you remember it four hours from now (thank you, psychology).

What I’ve learned has boiled down to this: a good education doesn’t teach you what to learn—a good education teaches you how to learn.

For some of you, this might be the single most obvious statement you have ever heard. For others, it might be the stupidest thing you’ve ever heard. Regardless of which category you fall into (or, even if you fall into a third, undisclosed category), give me a minute to express my newly discovered insight before you close your browser and turn on Jay Leno.

I think many people realize, on the surface, that a school cannot possibly teach you everything you need to know and must, therefore, strive to teach you how to learn instead. But if we were to dig a little deeper, I think we might find something uncomfortable.

Because our society puts great worth on the degree that a person has, it also tends to ascribe a certain prestige to having that degree. Now, hang with me here. If you have something prestigious, how does that make you feel? Prestigious, right? or elite? It makes you feel one step higher than the common man, at least, for sure. At least, that’s the way I’ve been feeling (albeit ever so slightly) for the last year or so. “That’s right,” I think. “I know some stuff. I’m cool. I can use big words like ‘albeit’ in a sentence.” It’s just kind of a little bit of arrogance. Am I alone in this, or is anybody else nodding along with me here?

Well, let’s go back and look at things a little differently. If I have received a good education, it’s not the facts that I’ve learned that are important—it’s the way that I’ve learned…to learn. So, basically, I’ve paid tens of thousands of dollars to learn how to pursue knowledge. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m all for getting an education and I certainly don’t want to start an argument on the cost of that education, but essentially, at the risk of repeating myself, I’ve paid tens of thousands of dollars to learn how to pursue knowledge.

Yes, that is a vital skill that I need to have. Yes, it gives me a step above most people without degrees. Yes, I should feel honored that the school saw me fit to receive my degree. But any arrogance or pride I have in regards to my degree are completely unfounded. One might even argue that they are idiotic.

Still tracking with me? I’m almost done, as you’ve no doubt already scanned to the bottom of the page and checked by now.

So my point is this: a degree is a piece of paper. A really expensive piece of paper. It’s really nothing to flaunt over others. The facts and theories that we learned…well, will we even remember those in three years? It’s the methods that we really learned, and it’s the methods that we should be thankful for. Keep learning, and that piece of paper will have earned it’s cost.


Tell me a secret that nobody knows
Hide it in me, hide it in my mind
My thoughts leap as my suspicion grows
I wanna sleep, I wanna sleep tonight
I wanna fall asleep tonight….

Tomorrow will always betray
The hopes we had of today yesterday
Where I fall is where I lie
And where I lie is where I die
I wanna fall asleep tonight….

Whisper the melody in my ear
Whisper tonight, love me tonight
Tell me as my heartbeat slows
Tell me the secret that nobody knows